05. 练习:变量和赋值运算符


现在该你来使用变量了。这道练习的注释(以 # 开头的行)提供了创建和修改变量的说明。请在每条注释后面根据说明写一行代码。

注意,这段代码使用了科学记数法来定义很大的数字。4.445e8 等于 4.445 * 10 ** 8,也就是 444500000.0

#代码注释 - 中英对照

单词表:water reservoir 水库;volume:体积;rainfall 降雨;cubic metre 立方米

The current volume of a water reservoir (in cubic metres) 目前水库的蓄水量(单位:立方米)
reservoir_volume = 4.445e8

The amount of rainfall from a storm (in cubic metres) 一场暴雨的降雨量(单位:立方米)
rainfall = 5e6

decrease the rainfall variable by 10% to account for runoff 考虑到流失的水量,将降雨量这个变量降低10%

add the rainfall variable to the reservoir_volume variable 将降雨量与蓄水量相加

increase reservoir_volume by 5% to account for stormwater that flows into the reservoir in the days following the storm 暴雨后的一段时间内,雨水会不断流入水库,考虑这部分水量,需要将水库的蓄水量变量增加 5%

decrease reservoir_volume by 5% to account for evaporation 考虑到雨水蒸发情况,将蓄水量变量减小5%
subtract 2.5e5 cubic metres from reservoir_volume to account for water that's piped to arid regions. 水库里的水会用来浇灌干涸地区,所以需要将蓄水量减少 2.5e5 立方米

print the new value of the reservoir_volume variable 打印蓄水量变量的最新值

Start Quiz:

# The current volume of a water reservoir (in cubic metres)
reservoir_volume = 4.445e8
# The amount of rainfall from a storm (in cubic metres)
rainfall = 5e6

# decrease the rainfall variable by 10% to account for runoff

# add the rainfall variable to the reservoir_volume variable

# increase reservoir_volume by 5% to account for stormwater that flows
# into the reservoir in the days following the storm

# decrease reservoir_volume by 5% to account for evaporation

# subtract 2.5e5 cubic metres from reservoir_volume to account for water
# that's piped to arid regions.

# print the new value of the reservoir_volume variable




>>> mv_population = 74728
>>> mv_area = 11.995
>>> mv_density = mv_population/mv_area

现在我们重新定义 mv_population 变量:


>>> mv_population = 75000





这是美国的州列表,按照加入联邦的日期排序。假设你想为特拉华州创建一个变量并赋一个值,表示它首先加入了联邦。以下哪些项是有效的 Python 变量名和赋值?

  • `delaware = 1`
  • `de = 1`